Welcome to
Agile Budgeting!

YNAB certified budget coaching

Create a flexible personal budget that changes with your needs and priorities!

I help people working in the games industry to budget in a proactive way and ride the ups and downs of the industry with less stress. I focus on people working in the games industry, but all are welcome!

Maybe You

  • Earn plenty of money but don’t know where it goes?

  • Earn not enough money and want to be wiser with it?

  • Earn some kind of money but not at a predictable cadence?

  • Have debt and want to tackle it in a sustainable way so you don’t backslide into even more debt later?

  • Are generally stressed when it comes to money?

You Can…

  • 🎉Understand where your money is going.

  • 🎉 Be more proactive with your money, make a plan for it and execute on that plan.

  • 🎉 Know how long your money will last until more comes in.

  • 🎉 Tackle debt in a sustainable way that prepares you for the future.

  • 🎉 Be less stressed when it comes to money.

How do you do this?
I’m a YNAB Certified Budgeting Coach. I teach you how to create and maintain a budget using the YNAB (You Need A Budget) method and app.
Is it that simple?
Goodness no. You have to be ready to face your financial situation and work on it as well. But, I can help you get to wherever you want to go.
Why YNAB? (You Need a Budget)
I use the YNAB method and software to create budgets because YNAB makes you face your situation, helps you develop priorities and goals, and is, most of all, flexible. You get what you need out of your budget because you create goals and put in the effort to reach them (monetarily, that is).
YNAB is not a set it and forget it budgeting tool. It creates awareness, and paying attention is half the battle.

My Story
By day I’m a mobile games producer. I’ve worked in games for over 10 years in many roles and platforms. While I haven’t seen it all, I’ve seen a lot. I want others who work in the space to be ready for the highs and lows the industry can bring.
A few years ago I was swimming in debt and didn’t understand where my money just seemed to vanish to. Since using YNAB and really implementing the methodology, I’ve been able to pay off more than 20k in debt (without going into debt further), have the funds when it’s time to pay the bills (even those ‘surprise’ expenses!), and save for larger goals, like vacations and retirement.I really believe that the YNAB methodology contributes to having less stress about money. And I would love for everyone to have the same experience I did, tackling their financial goals and feeling more secure about their money.Originally from Arizona, I’ve lived in Halifax, Nova Scotia since 2010.

I don’t work in games. Would you still help me?
Yes! I would love to help you as well! While I have a lot of experience working in games, I do spend 35% of my waking hours as a regular human, so I feel quite confident that I can help you too!
Budgeting? I’ve tried it before…
The YNAB style of budgeting is a proactive approach, you only plan for the money you have right now. This might be different from more ‘traditional’ budgeting methods, but allows for a flexibility that no other budgeting method has. You can focus on what’s important to you and change your budget to reflect that.
YNAB? I’ve tried it before…
Dropped off budgeting? Don’t quite grasp what’s going on here? I can help you get back on the YNAB wagon!

If you need someone to help you out, I’m here!

Book a free introduction session!

We’ll talk, let me know what goals you have and I’ll talk your ear off about budgeting! This allows you to decide if you want to move forward with me!I use Zoom to meet with my clients.

I am a YNAB Certified Budgeting Coach, which means that I have been trained to coach people on using YNAB software and the YNAB budgeting method. I have met select requirements of You Need a Budget LLC in order to receive this certification, which means that I have the ability to competently coach YNAB to others. I am not an employee of YNAB, and all non-YNAB related opinions and recommendations are my own. My views do not reflect the views of YNAB and its employees or its affiliates.